Allié Merrick McGuire

SpecialityCo-Founder, AwareNow Media & Editor-in-Chief, AwareNow Magazine

Allié Merrick McGuire has dedicated her professional and personal life to the service of others through raising awareness for the causes we’re all tied to one story at a time. With original and organic content, she seeks to educate and empower others to rise above circumstance and pursue their passion with purpose. Recently diagnosed with MS after losing vision in one eye,
she also serves as an AwareNow Official Ambassador for Multiple Sclerosis.
Prior to AwareNow, with a love for words and a ‘translator’ for wine, Allié built a career in independent content production with a unique, untraditional voice. As the producer of ‘The Allié Way’, she created a lifestyle platform publishing original posts and projects representing brands in a number of verticals from wine to film to fashion. From serving as the Cannes Fashion Festival Wine Ambassador to producing three seasons of ‘Trainsipping’ while tasting wine from her sleeper car in train trips across the country, Allié has worked with a number of brands, in
front of the camera as an ambassador on red carpets and behind the camera as a
photographer, videographer and designer. In addition, she is a professional speaker and performance poet presenting in classrooms, boardrooms and stages across the country.